Shadow of my room
canvas, acrylic paint, OHP film, wire, foamboard | 53.0cm x 45.5cm x 30 | 2020
It’s really hard to create a new space in the existing space. However, shadow solves it too easily; it appears and disappears according to the direction the lights move, and it works freely. It creates a new coloured space that is created by the invasion of various shadows in my room(space) expressed in achromatic colours. It sometimes give me artistic inspiration and organise complex thoughts. That intruded into my space is not a negative shadow but a positive intruder.

When I open the curtains and open the window, there is a new space in my room called Shadows. It’s my favourite space and the only thing that changes in the room. In some cases, shadows seem to be intruders who have invaded my space. It is my own space that contains various changes. Relocate space by shadow and propose a new form.

I took pictures of the various shadows I could see in my room and expressed the shape with coloured pencils. Monet, an artist of light, did research on his series of lights, while a shadow artist researched his works using Lambrandt and shadows.